Another Anniversary

I can't believe it but todays marks three years that I've had this blog! (Note: those Chips Ahoy cookies are delish!)
I remember in my first post how I shared that I've taken up blogging once before but never followed through. This was a test for myself to see if I would keep up with something, and so three years later, here I am.

I wanted to point out some of my accomplishments while I've had this blog. Things could have been completely different if I didn't have another platform to share and keep up with the things that I do and make. Life is still going and 2014 definitely feels like the year in which things are only getting started.

Early this summer, I was invited by my friend to participate in Kawaiiland. This was my first time participating in an event in which I had things I made available for sale in person. It opened my eyes to an area of the crafting and selling world that makes me want to participate in more. It was great exposure and I'm not afraid to do it again.

Speaking of crafting and selling, this year I took the step to expand. So not only do I have one of a kind clothing and accessories up on Etsy, but now clothing and artwork is available on Storenvy. Separating these two is the best thing I could have done because it gives me a chance to expand instead of figuring out a way to tie everything together if I was to only stay on Etsy.

I know this should be in my 'end of the year' post, but why wait till then? Moving across country is playing such a large role in what I'm up to these days. Just taking that step changed everything for me. New things are occurring, more projects are coming my way, and just everyday life and experiences are happening. Life is starting to feel endless and I'm excited to share things that are coming about.

Aside from all that, I've even noticed my posts having more substance. I don't really stray too far from what I intended my blog to be about, and I've been doing great at documenting my process for a lot of the projects I take on. I've gotten accustomed to keeping track of the things I do and I now know to stop and photograph as I go. Along with posts, I see a huge difference in the photos I take. Huge improvement for sure. Photos play a huge role in blogs, and I've become in tune with how much is needed for each post I make. I've figured out what kind of editing in Photoshop makes me happy and I've become consistent. If anything, my photos get better everyday.

I'm still shocked I've been able to keep up with a blog as social media or anything of the sort is not really my thing, but I'm happy this is something I've stuck with. Keeping track of the things I make has become important to me; it's given me a way to reference projects I've done and document important life points. Aside from that, I hope that it gives others inspiration or at least the idea that so many things are possible in the crafting world. I want everyone to feel as though they can partake in DIY, as there's no limit to projects, and if you see something you like, make it yourself, and make it even better.
Thanks for reading!

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