Hanging Wall Decoration

As I mentioned in my summary post yesterday, I'm at the point where I am starting to decorate my space. I picked a spot next to my desk in which I plan on decorating. So far I have found two items I want to hang.

I have the tendency to start projects, finish them or don't finish them, and then do something else to them. I made this shirt for a project last semester, but I haven't finished the hemmings, and so it just sat around. I wanted to hang that design and I didn't feel bad ripping it up since it wasn't done.

I've also taken inspiration from Pinterest hanging up art on yarn with clothespins.
I found a good spot to stick the walls with thumbtacks and hung my yarn with loops I tied up.

I hung up my fabric. Using another thumbtack and binder clip, I hung up a postcard (in which I shared yesterday too).

I also received this guitar pick from when I purchased vinyl from the band She's So Rad. If you haven't heard them, listen to them now! Anyway, I managed to dig up a super baby binder clip which worked perfect with hanging the guitar pick.

I plan on adding more as I go. But that's my little wall of decoration so far!

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