Senior Show

Happy May! It surely is a happy May indeed.
School is coming to an end, the summer is rolling around, I have a full time job waiting for me, and I feel a lot of creative energy and feel inspired. I can't complain right now.

Our student exhibition opened on Tuesday. A lot of great work from different majors. Being a part of it this year and seeing the behind the scenes, there's quite a bit I can complain about with the disorganization and whatnot, but being that everything is done and over with, why bother lingering on it.

I got one piece in. It was my Galileo piece. It looks so nice and crisp in a frame hanging on a wall in a gallery. I have to admit, it's a nice feeling. It makes me want to be a part of gallery exhibitions in the future. I don't think I would turn that down.

My final day of classes forever is Thursday coming. I'm really feeling all the emotions. I don't want to think about it yet.
But I can't wait for the freedom. Real soon!

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