Christmas In May

My friends and I are the worst with following through with things. Okay, that may be an exaggeration. Everyone has their quirks, obviously. We just take our time with things.
Here's an example: The five of us wanted to do Secret Santa for Christmas. We found this website to jumble our names up, we each got an email of whom we had to give a gift to, and we all put together gifts. That was easy. The hard part, being that we're all spread across the east coast basically - we had to mail our gifts to each other. Some haven't send out the gifts yet. I gave mine early this month. Talk about delays, delays.

Of course I went down a creative route. She currently lives in Louisiana, was born & raised in New York. I bought a plain mug & glass paint, and painted Louisiana and New York with planes traveling to and from.
To cure the paint, it can either air dry for 21 days or be baked. I let mine air dry.

I wanted to put together a nice little gift bag, so I bought three nail polishes and a manicure set with files, clippers, etc. Obviously I bought it around the holiday season, so the red sparkled set screams Christmas.

I put everything in that nice little gift bag and sent it on its way.

Side note observation: Martha Stewart does everything right. Glass paint! ...That's all I have to say.

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