
Is it me or can you not get more 'merican than on Memorial Day weekend & Independence Day; I associate those days with burgers & barbecues. I feel like it's the American way.
I took a wallpaper class last semester and did this burger pattern that I felt was appropriate to share considering the holiday.

I had 50s diners in mind when I came up with the idea. The idea basically expressed how burgers are the center of everything, and the toppings revolve around them.

On a big sheet of simple bond paper, I traced my image and formed a half drop repeat. To make somewhat of a textured pattern, I just used magazine scraps to fill in the images. So this was all cut paper & colored pencil in the background. Took a long ass time to color the back, but I liked the effect. So determination helped.

Here's a great Kids In The Hall skit about America. It's all spot on if I may say so. 'merica!

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