Sunday Summary // 005

I haven't posted much this week, I apologize. I honestly don't even know where the week went. It went by so fast!
It hasn't even hit me yet that it's Sunday.

But anyway, it IS Sunday. Here's my photo summary.

01. It has been a wonderfully warm week. I indulged in ice cream. I had no idea Ben & Jerry's made a red velvet ice cream, I HAD to buy it. It tasted delicious.
02. Then I poured cinnamon oat cluster cereal into it, and oh my, it tasted like heaven! I recommend oat clusters in ice cream. It's amazing.
03. I found time to do my nails this week! I haven't given myself a manicure in about three months. It was nice to find the time and just pamper myself.
04. My friend from Boston visited this weekend. Haven't seen him in about three years. We had so much to catch up on, but it felt like I saw him yesterday - our attitude and mindset reverted and it's as if we picked up right where we left off. We ended up staying over another friend's house after a long night. The next morning I took this snapshot. I loved how her rubber ducky was sitting in her window. Funny funny.

I'm excited for coming plans and events this week. And then next week is Spring break! Finally! I had such great plans for Spring break, but turns out I'll to put them on hold until the end of the semester. I'm kinda bummed but at the same time I'm really looking forward to sitting back and relaxing. I need it.

Here's my song choice of the moment. I was singing and dancing to Duran Duran with my mom today. She hates to admit it, but she loves non-Greek music. She's too full of Greek pride to admit it though.

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