Flashback Friday // 004

While browsing through old photos I've taken, I came across this piece that I made a few years ago. This is around the time I first started experimenting with collage and decoupage.
I saw a few magazine clippings of strawberries, and instantly thought of that Beatles song. I'm not a big Beatles fan, but when I came up with the idea of putting this collage piece together, my intention was to sell it. If it sold, then I would make a few more collage pieces like this and hopefully make some kind of business out of it.
That, sadly, didn't happen. I didn't know how to market myself, and so when it was posted on Etsy, no one bit. It just sat there.
Around that time was the first time my computer crashed. I hired my friend (the same one who's currently fixing up my computer) to put my computer back together. He's a huge Beatles fan, so when I got my computer back all patched up, I took this piece down from Etsy and gave it to him as a present.
I liked the way it came out. I just wish at the time I tried to figure out a way to get myself out there to create and sell. But it's in good hands now, so that's all that matters. That's my strawberry fields collage story.

Today was such a tiring day. I woke up exhausted and and still feel the same way. I think having two days off from classes didn't do me any good. Thankfully I have the weekend to rest well, and starting Monday things will go back to normal.
Here's a song by Marilies Jagsch, a great Austrian singer. This is such a pretty song.

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