Sunday Summary // 009

I had all intentions of posting this week.
I don't know where my head has been lately. Been so overwhelmed with every single little aspect of my life recently, but I'm hoping this will pass soon. I'm anxious for the end of the semester to come. There's so much I wish I could do, but it's always one assignment after another preventing me from doing so, which I guess has been bringing me down.

I've been trying to look at positive parts of my days to get me through this stressful point. I think I've been doing okay at not letting it get the best of me.
Here's how my week has been.

01. On Tuesday, I saw Neon Trees at Bowery Ballroom in NYC. My phone was dying, so I unfortunately wasn't able to document any part of the performance. Took this snapshot right before the show while walking around. I thought this wall art was so cool.
02. I finished that self-help book for my psychology class. Very encouraging! I feel so motivated to try harder on not letting the little things get to me (the book is called Don't Sweat The Small Stuff... and it's all small stuff. The title itself is motivating!) This is one page that I took into consideration for the future.
03. Friday I decided to take a break from all homework and relax a bit. I had these unfinished decorated cardboard pieces that I plan on using for future book making. They needed spraying with my Krylon glaze, so I took care of that finally. They've been just sitting around waiting to be sprayed.
04. Whenever I find my way to the train station to come home, I always consider getting a smoothie from Planet Smoothie. I was craving my usual 'chocolate chimp' smoothie today, so I made my own version. Came out yum.

I have done so much school work during the week that I'll admit, I slacked this weekend. I became so motivated to work on my other websites that I haven't done much else (which is probably another reason I haven't updated this blog). Fixed a new layout and did some major updating in each page in the website. Haven't officially put the layout up yet because it's still being worked on - probably sometime this week it'll be up and good to go.
If you're interested in checking it out at all, the site is - it's somewhat a directory guide to female musicians. So much time and research have gone into this site. I love it.

Anyway, so while fixing up the site, I came across news that made me stop dead in my tracks and put a huge smile on my face: That Dog reunited and are playing their first New York show in 15 years.
I can't wait to see them in May! I have been listening to them non stop. NON STOP

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