Seeing Is Believing

The second project for my concept class is about "Seeing Is Believing". We had to create an image that isn't physically possible but visually believable, and base it on human conditions. We were told to look at René Magritte for inspiration.

Was SUCH a hard project to work on because there are endless possibilities. Where do you start, you know?
My professor ended up telling us to scratch the human conditions part, and just work on the idea of creating something visually strange, I guess you could call it.

I had trouble in the beginning - I was stuck. But as I started sketching, I had ideas of brick people - ignorant people. So I worked on ignorance. I put a brick man on top of a galaxy mountain, claiming it with his flag. So I worked with the phrase that ignorance is taking over the world. The Earth makes up the sky, and the galaxy makes up the ground the brick/ignorant man stands on.

I used ink, watercolor pencils, and pencils. Glued some pieces on cardboard to elevate them. I like working with different levels. The sun in the background is a closeup photo I took of my wool sweater, and manipulated it on Photoshop. All on illustration board.

One of the weirdest things I've done, but hey, the assignment was asking for it!
There are a few things I wish I could fix, but being that they're glued on there's no way I could go back. Do love how my galaxy looks. It's like a cotton candy galaxy. Yum.

Somebody, love this song with me!

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