Recent Purchases // 002

Holy computer problems, Batman. I can't seem to catch a break here. My desktop is angry at me and doesn't want to work. Luckily I have my handy dandy laptop to save the day.
But I won't let that bring me down.

I'm excited about the things I bought recently. About a week or two ago, my friend and I went on an unplanned adventure into the city. The day turned into a thrift-shopping-whole-lotta-walking day.

We went into this cute little shop that had so much good stuff, but this shirt called my name. It's most definitely a Maria shirt. I couldn't resist; I had to buy it.
It's a little too large for my taste, so I plan on taking it in just a bit to make myself happy and comfortable.

In another shop we discovered, I found these earrings. They're perfect and can be worn for any occasion because of their simplicity. They actually match really well with the new shirt I just bought too!

Last but not least, I've added more nail polish to my collection. I'm lovin' these colors, especially the hazy grey.

And to end the post, here's my song of the moment. Catherine Wheel will always have a place in my heart, no matter what.

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