Header Excitement

Ever since I created this blog, I was anxious to get it up and running and looking spectacular. I was in a rush to get it looking professional, but I just couldn't get past a certain point. Then I slowed down and thought about it. I'll have this blog for a long time, so I'll have plenty of time to perfect it. It'll come together when it's meant to come together. Whenever I have an idea of what to work on at a specific moment, it'll come to me. Even though I would like to make it look presentable as soon as possible, the fact of the matter is that it was presentable. It just didn't look the way I wanted the final product to look like.

For a good few week, I thought of new blog names that says a lot about me and was catchy. Out popped a good one, and with approval from friends, I changed the blog name and URL. From there, it led me to think of some sort of logo to create. I came up with an idea to use a rocket, and it flowed. I made a curlicue rocket logo, and then drew together the rest. I scanned it into my computer today, fixed it up in Photoshop, added a texture in the background, and it was finished!

I like blogs having an overall light colored theme, so I followed that. It's a simple layout with a nice header. The point is that I'm getting it closer to something that I can be happy with. One step closer to a finished layout. And I guess I wanted to share my excitement. I feel like I'm moving forward, and that's a great feeling. Obviously I'm not experiencing some sort of "revelation", but something close to it with more of a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

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