Local Finds

Yep, it's Sunday. Classes start tomorrow. Not really all that excited at the moment. Probably because it hasn't hit me yet, but tomorrow's going to be such a wake up call. Oi.
I'm trying to keep myself relaxed and productive today. It'll be my last relaxing day I'll probably have for a while.

So anyway, I was cleaning up yesterday and came across two items that I'm happy I found. When I say local finds, I mean super local, as in my very own room.

First I found this little cupcake journal. I think it was given to me as a gift around the time I graduated high school. Had it for quite some time. I stored it away because I'm not one to fill out journals or diaries. I had no idea what to do with it. Then it hit me that I should turn it into my very first recipe book. I always saved printouts and magazine clippings of recipes, but I like the more personal feeling of writing them down. I wrote in a few already. This fits perfect with one of my resolutions; to learn how to cook. Well at least, learn how to cook better. I've become a pretty decent baker over the years, so the oven was never a problem for me. It's that stove. I've been trying, making an effort. That counts. Keeping a recipe book I think will be a good thing for me.

Another little goodie I found was this little sunglasses pin. It's really small but really cute. I've always wanted to snazz up hoodies or sweaters with pins, but I always end up leaving the house forgetting to. After finding this pin, it has made me want to give into accessorizing. Why not. For years now, I've stopped wearing makeup, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. I think it's time to start that up again. I own so much. Why not put them to use?

I don't know what it was, but I had an eye opener a few days ago. Maybe it was the planning of my future - my plan of leaving and starting fresh by myself far away from home. I really like my plan, but I can't go on with it thinking the way I do. I need to change myself for the better. And I'd like to be prepared by then so I can move on feeling happy. When the new year came, I couldn't even think of one resolution. In the past week, I've made a whole list of resolutions. And I'm actually looking forward to trying. It's a weird feeling, but it feels pretty wonderful.
So here's to a new year, new resolutions, and accepting new changes!

One more thing? Song of the moment? Yes. It's by Local Natives. Those harmonies are amazing.

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