Monday Monday

So, I might have spoken too soon when writing my last post. I actually found some free time last night and touched up my hair. I dyed it two tones in the beginning of October. I dyed it red over the summer, it faded to orange, then I dyed my right side a brown that was similar to my natural hair color. The left side was really faded and being that I dyed it over the summer, my roots have grown over an inch and a half. It desperately needed touching up. Dyed it orange!

Used my favorite dye, the L'Oreal Excellence HiColor HiLights in Copper. This stuff is insane. It's made for people with naturally dark hair, and will come out the color it says it will. It works wonders.

I'll get a better picture in when I'm not so flustered and when my hair is not all wet.

While cleaning up yesterday after finishing up my assignment, I broke my favorite little paintbrush, and my heart sank. Ran straight for tape and fixed it up, but it will never be the same. I'm a little heartbroken.

Got to keep myself on track tonight. Work needs to get done!

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