Hello World

I've always had a love/hate relationship with blogspot. I'd create a blog, then delete it, create another one, then delete. Here I am once again. I'm not one for blogging about my life, but I'd love to have a blog to post my art and post things that I personally want to keep track of. Music, movies, travels, photos, whatever. I hate constantly joining social networking sites though. I really try to pick and choose which I want to be a part of, but at the end of the day I always end up joining them all. Keeping up with them is a whole other story. I'm trying to get tough on myself these days and select which ones I will actually keep up with, and delete the other ones. Still working on that though.

A few months ago, I created a Tumblr account for my artwork and such, but thinking about the chance that it will be a long term site I will want to keep doesn't seem so possible. Tumblr seems like another internet fad that will slowly fade into what Myspace is now. With all these social networking sites coming and going, Blogspot seems to be doing well. Hell, I came back! I think I want to keep up with life on here and delete that Tumblr account. I think fun reblogs should stay there, and "business" should be here. That's my plan. Let's see if I actually stick with it.

Crappy intro, but it's something that fills that awkward first post.

Had this on repeat while typing this post. I could never have enough Twin Peaks in my life.

(I need to create some kind of nice layout for this blog. And a decent profile page. It's a goal for the next couple of days. *Keeping that in the back of my mind*)

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