Sunday Summary // 001

I never know what to post on Sundays, unless I have a pre-set plan of what I want to post.
Then it hit me. I think it'd be cool to talk about four things that occurred during the week and/or weekend, and accompany the post with photos related to what I plan on sharing.

01. Friday was one of those rainy-miserable-commute sort of days. I was not in the mood to be on the that early in the morning, but I had to go to class. I took pictures during my commute going into the city to keep myself awake.
02. Later on that night, I felt the need to do some arts and crafty things, so I started making a cupcake book. My mother surprised me the night before with one of those Martha Stewart shape-puncher things. It was a cupcake puncher. Being that it was a new purchase, I couldn't help but punch out cupcake shapes all night.
03. In between moments of gluing and waiting for the glue to dry, I was sewing up a shirt. I sewed on lace on the back of my button down shirt. The edges were messy, so I embroidered them to make it look cleaner.
04. My awesome red bulb in my nightlight went out. So I replaced it with this yellow bulb I had. Funny thing is, five minutes after I replaced my bulb, the power went out on my block. Luckily it was only out for half an hour. I can't sleep in total darkness.

Hope you're all ready for the new week. I already can't wait till next weekend comes so I can be lazy again, hah!

Here's my song of the moment by Phantogram.

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