Wishlist Wednesday // 011

Working in a screenprinting shop has changed my view on graphic shirts and garments in general.
I was walking through H&M recently with my friend/coworker and he even pointed out to me how he can't look at shirts the same way. Simple prints with simple one color text is so easy to make, why should we dish out over $20 for that, you know?
It's been somewhat hard to shop lately.

For me to buy a shirt with graphics and images, they need to be extravagant.
Beloved Shirts has some straight up cool shirts. As much as I can easily make shirts like these at work, I would buy these.
Here are five great shirts that I'm diggin':

01. Wave Tee 02. Flamingo Tee 03. Lick Me Tee 04. Donuts Tee 05. Chevron Tee

I have really developed a love for t-shirts. They're just great and just work with everything. Converse and t-shirts. Classics.

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