Wednesday Sharing

The next few weeks may be slow around here.
I just seem to be working way too much lately to be able to work on projects and post about them afterwards. Although that will be changing soon for sure. So many changes are to come, life changes. Changes to life, my life. Yeah.
Not so much that I can share in the meantime as so much is still in the works.

One thing I'm excited about will be so cool if it actually does happen. So many 'maybes' and 'almosts'. I bought these two graphic novels by Bryan Lee O'Malley as research and inspiration for this one project that's in the works.
I've been also sewing like crazy on a few things that I plan on posting in my shop hopefully soon.
Just so much is in the works. This post even doesn't have much to it. Just a filler until I find some time to actually post.
That's pretty much it for now.

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