Recent Purchases // 006

This summer has been an interesting one in a creative sense. I've been experimenting with a lot of materials and methods, and I've been buying so many art supplies. Like a crazy amount. I'm not going to go into that, but here and there I did splurge on other fun stuff.

Last month I finally got a new phone. I got the iPhone 5, which made me want to go phone case shopping. I browsed through Etsy. I really wanted a case with a cover to slip in cards and whatnot. I really wanted to have my train tickets and cards accessible and this cute pineapple case is perfect for that. It really was the exact size I was looking for.

I've taken a mini break from any kind of music buying since I've spent so much on art supplies. But when the new Raveonettes album was unexpectedly dropped, I saw they had a limited edition vinyl and I hardcore splurged. It's the strangest vinyl case but definitely real cool. Fits the album theme pretty well.

I also put in another order into Spoonflower and got more fabric printed. I tried a different fabric this time around. It's a more stretchy jersey kind of feel. I prefer it so much more than the cotton voile as its use is more for what I want in fabric. I love it.

Have you heard new Raveonettes music? They're music always has hints of dark themes, but this album is their darkest for sure. I love it. They never fail me. Check it out for sure!

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