DIY // Easy Socks Decorating

It's crazy to look back at how much I progressed in the arts, especially comparing art supplies I used then and what I use now.
Once upon a time I used to draw on t-shirts. I had first started using fabric markers to do so. I collected a whole lot of colors. Eventually I eased off the markers and started using fabric paint, which is what I occasionally use now with screenprinting paint.
After buying plain white socks, I thought to pull out those old fabric markers and see if they still have juice.

Turns out I still have a whole bunch of colors that are still good.
I set up a work spot and folded up paper in the socks just in case the markers bled through.

I also am finding that I'm going through a tropical/Hawaiian art phase. I had luaus in the back of my mind when planning what to draw. So I projected that on top of both pairs.

They need some drying time. But when they're all ready, I'll be wearing them asap!

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