Banner Revamp

I started craving a little bit of change. I've had this layout for quite a while now, not even sure how long. But I actually still love it; it's still exactly how I like my blog to be, setup-wise. I don't want to go through the motions to change it up completely again. So I figured let me work on baby steps.
I was getting a little tired of my previous banner. The banner is the first thing you see when you visit any site. So it has to make a big impact on your visitors.

While browsing through Amazon, I came across the book Find & Keep by Beci Orphin. I love how simple the cover is with objects placed on a white background. Even though the background is a solid color and it could look like it was done digitally, the shadows really make everything pop which makes it so fun.

Beci Orphin's blog even continues that which I love.
I gathered some of my crafty supplies and decided to make my own version of it.

I laid down an orangey sheet for my background. I did a quick little marker sketch of my logo, did some chevron things with some yarn in which I pinned down. I organized my stork scissor, spool of thread, measuring tape, seam ripper, and brayer. I threw in some other supplies and experimented but decided to keep it simple and not busy.
I brought my images into Photoshop and fixed it up. I wanted to keep my color scheme the same so I used my main colors and changed things up. I think it says a lot about the things I do and post about.

Minor changes are coming. They'll probably be super subtle but it's about the little things.

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