Crafted // Gwen Bottle Top Magnets

Back in April, I posted about bottle top magnets that I made. I mentioned that my brother saves his beer tops and has a whole tin can filled with them? Well, he doesn't use them, and so he gave me permission to take as many as I'd like.
I worked on this idea for quite a while: I'm a big fan of Gwen Stefani and thought it'd be fun to make bottle tops with her and her hair phases.

I painted the backgrounds a nude color. How I decided on that color? I have no idea, I basically just winged it.
I just gathered a bunch of colors and painted the edges different colors. I decided on each set having six, so I painted six different colors.

I drew out six different of my favorite Gwen hair moments. I traced a few out and colored them with marker and colored pencils. I cut them out and glued them onto the bottle tops.

I sprayed my favorite clear glaze over all of them. When they dried I glued the magnets on and let them all dry real well.

I've made five sets of these magnets. I think think they're so fun.
I just posted them in my Storenvy shop. I hope they will be in demand because I would love to make more. I have so many more magnet ideas. I love reusing and recycling!

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