Sunday Summary // 025

I have exciting plans tomorrow, and I've been preparing for my trip this whole week. I'll be on en route to Portland tomorrow for the week and I can't be more excited!

01. My midterm project for my bookbinding class is to make a book filled with content. So I found this trip to be the perfect opportunity to take photos and print them for my midterm book. I have it all set up waiting to go!
02. In between time packing and doing last minute homework assignments, I played around with a screen printing project that I will be posting about at a future date!
03. I'm so excited to be using my Lomo film cameras; I went and bought film for it a few days ago. I bought quite a number of rolls for this trip.
04. During some last minute shopping, I bought this new bag and wallet today at Target. I really wanted a new bag to use for my trip especially, and I can't be more excited to have them!

I've been doing such a bad job at packing. It's always the part I dread most.
But I'm really excited to visit the city again so soon. I'll be traveling with a few friends while staying at an Airbnb space. We looked up the weather and see it'll be raining most of the trip, but we won't let that get us down. We have fun stuff planned. I really can't wait!

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