Crafted // Pillow For The Pops

I always find it tough to find a good gift for my parents for all holidays and birthdays. Once in a while something will click that turns out to be a great idea. On Sunday, for Father's Day, my dad just wanted a simple day with his family. We had a barbecue with family friends at a park. It really was a pleasant Sunday.

As for the gift, I remember my dad asking for a pillow similar to one I made for my brother, which I posted about a year ago. I figured this was a good time to finally make it for him.

I measured my brother's pillow, gathered all thick sweatshirt-like material as well as other material to spice it up: my dad's old plaid shirt, shoelaces, and buttons.

These cylindrical pillows seem to be in high demand in my neck of the woods. My brother's friend also requested one which I plan on getting around to soon.
I'm happy I can finally cross this off the list of projects to do!

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