Flashback Friday // 013

This is Orbert. He induces fear in those who litter.

Fall semester introduced a new class into our curriculum: a storyboarding class. Being that it was a new class, it was kind of a mess; the professors were trying to figure out how to come about teaching the class.

This first project was a fun one. We had to create a character out of a random shape. Then develop it further: different views, its movement, and backstory.

Orbert is a cotton candy colored plump little grumpy mcgrumpster who gets easily pissed off, and when he's pissed off, he eats you. He doesn't tolerate littering; he's always on trash patrol. He's got arms made for picking up said trash.

I wanted to take it one step further and create a somewhat 3D version of him. I turned him into a plush doll. Made him out of an old tshirt (the color almost matched my sketches of him), beads for the eyes, shoelaces for the angry brows, and embroidered nose and mouth. In rush to get things done, I even took him on the train with me to sew.

At the end of the semester, my professor gathered some of the 3D characters and put them in the display case in the Illustration wing. I felt special.

He sits at my desk and watches me work everyday. Creeper.

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