Sunday Summary // 033

Gonna take a break from the packing and relocating part of my life right now and talk about other things.

01. I'm excited it's finally autumn. I love sweatah weathah. I felt I started the season off right with candy corn.
02. I took a trip to Lowes and picked up a few paint chips to send over to my landlord. She's going to give my room a fresh coat of paint before I move in. Since I had an option in what color I wanted, I chose a color similar to what my room is now. When I first painted my room, I wanted a raspberry and super light gray. I got the raspberry color I wanted but I went with an 'oops paint' gray which was a super light blue gray. I didn't really like it at first but it grew on me and now I want to carry it onto my new room.
03. I got around to giving myself a manicure and I was so excited to use the OPI My Dogsled Is A Hybrid that I posted about a few days ago. I love it.
04. I ran a few errands the other day with a friend. She really wanted macarons, so we made a stop somewhere in East Village. I tried their red velvet, earl grey, and lemon basil. The lemon basil was DELISH. I also noticed I accidentally chose macarons that were the same colors as my magnets I made back in April. Can't seem to escape those colors it seems.

I managed to do a quick sneaker run yesterday. I realized that I try so hard to not buy shoes that look like other shoes I own. It gives me reason why I should or shouldn't buy something. That's my shopping logic. But actually thinking about all the shoes I own, I don't own a single black pair of sneakers that I can wear all the time. I almost talked myself into buy the red version of these, but I decided on the black and I do not regret that decision at all. And they're super comfy. I love VANS. And these socks are great. I just had to.

I also noticed that it's been a few weeks since I've done a Sunday summary. I wanted to share this sooner but never got around to it. I'm lucky to be working in the David Letterman building because cool things do happen every so often. Knowing that my days are coming to end at my job, I wanted to take advantage of one especially cool thing. I saw Interpol was playing the Letterman show, so I asked the head of security if I could sit in during their set. Instead he let me into their rehearsal. I have to say, it was a cool experience. I love the band, but it was just a rehearsal; they played the same song over and over. Not exactly the most spectacular thing.
I wasn't there for the actual taping, but I'll share it.

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