Store Hiatus

With about two weeks more before my official move, I figured now is an appropriate time to temporarily close my shops even though I don't want to. Everything is pretty much all packed and ready to be moved.
I took the step to temporarily put 'vacation mode' on both my Etsy and Storenvy.

I feel a little uncomfortable closing them indefinitely being that I don't know how long it'll take for me to settle in.
I also am so eager to put new items up. I've been working on so much the past few months but had barely found time to edit my product photos and post them up. This move will let me start fresh, and I plan on posting plenty when I settle. This will be a chance for me to retake photos and just freshen things up. And I'm excited to do so.
In the meantime though, 'vacation mode' will be up. I will surely post an update when things open up and new products will be posted along with a small revamp of sorts.

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