Galileo Questions The Sacred Heart

Don't worry, I'm not going to make this a serious 'religion vs. science' post.

An assignment I had last semester was to create a painting of some kind of serious topic featuring human subjects. The conflict between religion and science is something I've been interested in and wanted to play around with that. I won't go into discussion of my feelings about the subject, but instead just briefly touch upon my materials and methods and keep it at that.

I really wanted to have fun with this one, and I really played around with mixed media. I did the piece on wood, the majority was painted with acrylic, gold paint was also used, magazine scraps and sewing thread for little accents and finishing touches.

Mexican folk art was the style I wanted to mimic while keeping it light and somewhat comical. My main subject was Galileo holding the sacred heart surrounded by that folk art feeling with lots of decorative elements. I just really wanted to push the decorative bits more than anything else. It's also been a while since I've worked with acrylic like that.

I plan on playing around with Mexican folk art inspired decorative pieces. It's fun and a bit challenging to be able to pull of patterns and colors and make it all work. But I love that.

To end the post, here's a fun video I wanted to share from Tim Minchin. I came across it when I started this project and thought it somewhat related. Rants about science. I love it. Tim Minchin is amazing. Watch this, you won't regret it.

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