Sunday Summary // 016

Crazy how fast this summer is going. One thing I haven't particularly been enjoying is the mosquito bites. Pretty sure there is a mosquito that just doesn't want to leave my room and feeds on me at night. I wake up every morning itchy in a new spot.

01. Bought new nail polish this week. Distant Memory by Wet N Wild Spoiled. It's super cheap at CVS, and they have a lovely selection of colors with great color names. I'm in love with the shade I bought.
02. One thing I love about summer is all the free time in the world I have. I've been meaning to sew up some curtains in my room. Now I finally have the chance. Found some nice scraps that I'm currently sewing together. Can't wait for it to be finished.
03. Another great thing about summer is all the free time in the world you have to experiment with things. In my last post I talked about stencil making. I entered a whole new world and I'm loving it. I decided to take it one step further and attempt to create one image using multiple stencils. I'm thankful I took that screen printing class two semesters ago. I would have never attempted something like this without a basic understanding of how screen printing works. I call this "the cheap man's screen printing". I plan on diving right into shirt painting this week. I think I'm most excited for that out of all projects I'm in the middle of.

This is a "behind the scenes" image from my second stencil party. My friend and I made some anchor t-shirts, which were mostly intended for July 4th. Of course when that day came around, we didn't wear our shirts.

Here's my song of the moment by Throwing Muses.

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