Sunday Summary // 011

Tomorrow's the last day of the semester! How exciting. I thought this day would never come.
Since I've been too overwhelmed by final projects to take photos from my week, here are some photos I've taken throughout the semester.

01. My favorite park in NYC is Madison Square Park. It's conveniently located by my school, and it's the perfect small kind of park. I went during a break between classes with a friend. This is a part of the line to the Shake Shack, which is supposedly a wonderful burger stand, but I wouldn't know. Every time I've gone to the park, there's either been a massive line in which I don't wish to participate, or it's closed. So I still haven't eaten food from the Shake Shack yet. One day.
02. For my last project for my general illustration class, we had to do a poster for the memorial of the Titanic, which I think I may have mentioned in another post. My professor found a little museum with artifacts from the Titanic, so we went on a field trip.
03. The museum was downtown in South Street Seaport. We were to arrive two hours before the museum opened, so we were told to walk around the seaport and sketch a bit. I sketched around the boats with friends. It was an awful rainy day - my sketches were all wet.
04. Going to an art school, you'd expect it to be pretty awesome, the interiors and such. But nope. Our walls are an ugly off white, the hallways are boring, the classrooms are boring. Nothing screams "I'm an art school." The students to try liven the place up by drawing on the walls, a.k.a. vandalizing hah. In a few classrooms, there are "sausage walls". People draw sausages linked together, and just keep adding to it everyday. Whenever the semester ends, they're painted over. Then when the next semester begins, the students start the sausage wall all over again. It's apparently been going on for a while, and it's pretty awesome. I took this on Friday - the last day I would see it. So here's evidence that this specific wall existed.

Here's a song by Madness that I've been digging lately.

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