Art Portfolio Website

MARIAKAY.COM is an official thing!

I bought website space on Go Daddy a few months ago. Took my time getting it up; made like five different layouts before I finally found one I was happy with. Condensed sections, added more pictures, changed the sidebar - so much construction.

Anywho, it's finally my official art portfolio website. Still have plans of adding more of my work within the next few weeks, but it's at a point where it doesn't look empty and that makes me happy.

I also took initiative to start up a new Tumblr filled with my work and crafty things and whatnot. I have another Tumblr in which I use to reblog photos I like. It's more of a inspiration blog (it's come to use SO many times when I needed a push for projects). I wanted to create a Tumblr where I don't reblog and all photos are mine. The only reblogs are music posts and that's it. It's still super fresh, but don't be afraid to follow me!

I was excited to share a major step for me. It's a little nerve-wracking to make a site dedicated to you, but portfolio websites are a thing; they're a thing to help you get noticed and get assigned work. I'm excited for what's to come now that I have my site up and running! Making strides.

Hope you all had a great holiday season! The new year is right around the corner, how exciting!

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