Minty Label

I created my first packaging label design! (Which is not a real label that you'd be able to find in stores, just make note.)
The assignment we just finished for our general illustration class was so scattered. Every student assigned another student a project; everyone got to play the role as the art director and illustrator. I was assigned to do a label design for a product that was picked for me.

The sizing and specifications were included: the only two colors were this minty green and white (with variations of grey), two hands holding garlic on a rope creating somewhat of a symmetrical piece, and a decorative border around the product name.

A jar top was also part of my assignment, including garlic and more decorative elements with the same color scheme.
All of it done in handy dandy Photoshop.

I went the extra step to print out the label true to size and glued in on a container.

After coming home from the critique, I didn't know what to do with the container, so I put all my sewing pins and whatnot in there. All fits perfectly. I'm just happy I'm putting it to constructive use.

And as I finished typing this all up, I experienced a serious case of déjà vu. Seriously such a strange phenomenon.

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