
I posted this on Tumblr yesterday. I wanted to share it here as well.
The past few days (since I've been absent from the blogging world for a little while, I needed to catch up) I've been reading posts from bloggers about self image and self love. Two that come to mind are Charlavail and Amy Morby. Along with recent events in my life, the messages they're trying to get across had me thinking.

This snapchat photo was in response to a snap my friend sent me. At the same time, this photo also expresses a self realization that occurred today.

You know how you’re always told that people are flawed? It never really hits you until, who knows when it hits you actually. It can click at any moment, and it did for me today. When you take a step back and look at people as a whole, everyone is flawed; no one is perfect. Some people acknowledge it, but most people don’t which is why everyone talks s*** about eachother.

My whole life I’ve had poor self image; I never liked myself because people always picked apart at my flaws. I was always too nice to do return the favor which is why it tore me apart every time. I believed it all. Recently I felt those old wounds open up when people started picking me apart again. I let those feelings stew a bit until today when it hit me that I just don’t give a f***. I am flawed and so is everyone else in this entire world. The way you handle that shows what kind of person you are. When you accept everyone else as they are, the better off you are, and the better you become. When you pick apart someone else, you are showing the world who you really are: a hypocrite.

This realization made me stop and think about myself. As long as they’re productive and harmless actions, I will do whatever the hell I want. I’ll wear what I want, I’ll cut my hair the way I want, I’ll shave when I want, I’ll keep up with whatever hobbies I want; the list is endless. We are here to look out for ourselves, I mean we are living OUR OWN lives, aren’t we? Do what makes you happy, that should be all that matters. (Yes I know, we should act selflessly and watch out for eachother, but I’d like to think that’s a given. In terms of appearance and state of mental health, that’s a different case.) Our flaws shouldn’t control our lives, and other people’s judgements and criticisms shouldn’t control our lives. WE control our own lives and if other people can’t handle that, they’ll get a slap from reality real soon, won’t they.

All I’m saying is, don’t let other people get you down. Do as you please, and if anyone passes judgements, just remember that there is always something you can judge about them too, because as I said, no one is perfect. Be happy with yourself. Be happy with who you are, and what you look like. You control your life. Don’t let others get away with controlling it for you.

Here’s to self realization.

This mindset is something that is achieved on your own, for you to come to terms with your own self. It may not even make sense now, but it's something that can make sense if you want it to.
We're surrounded by concepts that are considered standards, it's hard to not let words take a toll on you when you don't fit those standards.

I don't want to make this all preachy, but I guess here are some "tips" to help you come to your own terms:
• Try something different today, be it major or minor. Test your confidence. Yesterday, I cut my bangs and parted my hair differently. It's crazy how something little like that can make you feel like a new person.
• If anyone passes judgement at you, feel free to judge them back, in your head. Be the bigger person, keep it to yourself; let them have their moment of hierarchy. As hard as it may be, don't acknowledge their words. Remember, they are in denial of their own flaws.
• Look in the mirror, make funny faces at yourself, stare at yourself, accept your flaws. When you come to terms with the fact that you are not perfect, just like everyone else in the world, others criticisms will be easier to pass and ignore.
• Read something spiritual that gets to the deeper meaning of the self and the soul. I'm currently reading the Tibetan Book Of The Dead. It's always interesting to learn about getting to the root of the soul and things that should matter more than physical appearance. Life should be about who you are inside, not about your exterior.
• Smile at the world. Be happy. You know something most people don't know: how to love yourself.

And that's Self Realization Friday 101 with Maria. I hope you took something from all this rambling.

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