Sunday Summary // 020

Had a very colorful and crafty week.

01. Took crafting to a whole new level when I brought a shirt to sew while commuting. I've never knitted while on a train, but I can imagine it being easier to handle than sewing. Whatever, I got things done!
02. Splurged this week and bought five macarons. FIVE. I don't recommend eating five in one shot, especially in hot weather.
03. Played around with some leather. Never made leather cuffs like this before. Fun to switch things up a bit. I have SO much leather, why not put it to good use? Serina and I made these leather cuffs for her Etsy shop she just opened up. I really recommend you check it out! EclecticNeverland.
04. I've been a roll with binding books that I started and never binded. Put the signatures together. Hopefully tomorrow I can bind them. Goal!

Currently listening to Dreaming by Blondie. Forgot how amazing this song is.

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