Packing, Again.

This month's going to be a quiet one for me. I've been keeping on the D.L. packing and binge watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and other movies. My days also consist of constant trips to the post office to ship out boxes, and selling furniture on the oh so creepy Craigslist (so far I've experienced one uncomfortable creepy incident; cross your fingers that will be the only creepy uncomfortable incident).

I'm kinda bummed this is the way my year is starting off, but I have high hopes and expectations starting February in good ole New York. I never thought I would miss New York so much, as I have been dreaming of moving out of my home state for the longest time. I've concluded that I'm not finished with New York yet. I'm still young, and there's so much I want to accomplish before I can justify a move elsewhere.

I've been slowly setting up things for myself for when I'm back. I signed up for two night classes. Figured I should try to better myself with graphic design. I know enough to get by, and I know all the Adobe programs, but it doesn't hurt to try and better myself. I've also been looking into a few places to volunteer. I'm actually quite excited for that. And of course I've been applying to jobs. Starting February, I know I'll be back to feeling like myself, and I know I feel better about life when I'm busy.
I can't wait!

In the meantime, my life has been all about selling my IKEA furniture. I woke up to a text from my brother this morning which consisted of this newish IKEA video poking fun at Apple. I wanted to share because this company has been so relevant to my life lately (especially since I play on buying some new furniture when I get back home).

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