~Monday~ Summary // 037

One day late with this summary post.
It's been a pretty slow two weeks. Finishing up packing. Still working on selling my furniture. Taking advantage of my last week, going out and about, and relaxing.

01. Since I've sent out 80% of my stuff, I haven't had much to do besides browse the interweb. I remembered I had bought a Tibetan coloring book a while back, and I haven't sent out my colored pencils. So I had some coloring fun!
02. The other day I went out and about with neighbors and came across this cool shop with a terrarium bar. How cool is that? A whole drawer unit with drawers full of materials to make your own terrarium. Moss, sand, rocks, etc. If I wasn't moving, I totally would have gone to town. I plan on making one when I get back to New York. Gonna go on a search for terrarium bars in New York.
03. The same day, I bought a souvenir! A ring made of real gold and turquoise. I love it.
04. I have store credit at a local consignment shop, so I decided to take a look around to see if there was anything small to buy. Came across small crafty items to add to my crafty collection. Small clothespins, a pack of beads, a pack of buttons, and a package of sewing thread.

It seems a little surreal to me how I'll be moving back home permanently. I've been coming across a lot of articles lately about how 2015 is the year a lot of people are saying goodbye to New York because the cost of living is just ridonk. Examples: 01 + 02 + 03.

I just find it funny that I've been wanting to leave for the longest time, and now that I'm heading back home, I'm finding all these articles about how people are throwing in the towel and are leaving the city. Life is funny like that.
Anyway, the countdown is on. One week till I hop on that plane!

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