Crafted // Cherry Blossom Space Print

I've been hardcore focusing on putting things together for Kawaiiland. I've been scrambling; one more week until the event!

Aside from clothing and accessories that will be for sale, I wanted to created something extra. My coworker had given me the idea to screen print posters.

Diving into screenprinting, I had to rely on memory from the one class I took, and Youtube. I took a trip to my local Blick and bought screenprinting supplies I didn't have. I don't really have facilities for screenprinting, so I had to make do by turning my basement bathroom into a darkroom.

While the emulsion was drying on my screens, I created my image on acetate.
Following the usual step by step instructions, I managed to successfully burn my images into my screen.

After the screens were all prepared and dried, I started printing. I bought a pack of 50 sheets of speckletone paper from French Paper.
I went crazy printing and printing.

49/50 were printed successfully. I'd say that's good for the first time printing in years. After letting them dry, I painted pink into the cherry blossoms with acrylic paint.

These will be extra goodies available at Kawaiiland. I'm excited to add them to my table! I'm the happiest that I was able to make legit screenprinting work at home with no machinery. It's possible, trust me!

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