Sunday Summary // 021

It's been over a year since I did a proper 'SS' post, but it's never too late to get back on track!
Here are some highlights from my week.

01. I found some spare time to experiment with new fun crafts. I plan on making collar necklaces for my shop. This is the second one I'm currently in the middle of, and they're actually coming out kinda cool! I'm excited to make a bunch more. Accessories are fun to make, for sure.

02. My friends and I took a lunch trip down to the Trailer Park Lounge in Chelsea. It's so damn kitschy; for the longest time I avoided it because there's a toilet in the front of the restaurant! But my friends wanted to go, so I gave it a chance. The burgers were SO. GOOD.

03. My professor surprised us with a field trip on Thursday. We visited the Society Of Illustrators. Every so often, we'll go on a field trip there for whichever gallery showing is relevant to what we're up to in our classes. The show they currently have features original artwork for children's books. Some illustrations are absolutely amazing. This floor is my favorite; it is SO red, and features artwork from Paul Pope, a comic book artist.

04. With the semester slowly coming to an end, I've been knees deep into final projects. I've been trying to work every chance I get, and here's one project I've just started this week. I'm building a miniature set of a room, which I'll post about when it's all finished. I'm really excited to finish this up, mostly because I just want to be done with it. But it is a fun and different project I got myself mixed up in. It's nice to have variety every so often.

05. To end the week, I attended a roller derby game with friends, the last of the season. I'm happy I was finally able to attend a game before this season ended. I didn't realize this was the last game, so I got lucky! Our home team won, woo!

To end the post, here's a Warpaint video. I'm addicted.

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