Lost In A Canvas

Even though I'm pretty overwhelmed with schoolwork, I'm trying to load myself with as much as I can - within reason of course. I'm determined to be really productive this year and get as much done as possible.
I have quite a number of paper mache canvases that need some work done to them.

If I've never spoken of it before, Lost In Translation is my favorite movie ever. I started making this painting for a while now. Well, I actually haven't touched it in over a year. It's my favorite scene and I really wanted to have this finished to hang on my wall.

I don't know why I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet (my goal is to finish it this year!), but I wanted to make a smaller version on one of my little canvases. I painted the canvas gold, and made the zebra pattern out of olive colored fabric. The bottom portion is black fabric.

I drew up Bill & Scarlett's characters, colored them in, pasted fabric on the clothing area and the hair, and glued them down.

I have the canvas up for sale in my Storenvy shop. Hopefully I'll get around to finishing the bigger version soon. It's been sitting in my room for way too long unfinished.
Check out the Kevin Shields song that was featured in the movie. I love the mood of this song and video so much.

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