The Art Of Upcycling

Thrifting is wonderful. The idea of finding something fun, unusual, and vintage - isn't it great? Cheap and awesome, it can't get better than that.

But what if you find the perfect item and the size is way too big? You have three options: (01) leave it, (02) buy it and wear it uncomfortably large (some people can pull that off. I certainly can't), or (03) buy it and resize it. Option three has always been my favorite. There are lots of reasons why this option rocks that I'd like to share.

(An old Bewitched shirt I had that didn't fit me anymore. It took up space in my closet. Something new had to be done to this shirt. )

• I love making something from nothing. You have complete control over everything to make it original and totally yours. Sometimes this power is overwhelming, and there are chances things can go wrong (believe me, it happens). But it's all about trial and error. You start to learn what techniques work and don't work, and it starts to become quite easy.
• You have all options in the world with what you can do. You can add or subtract, mix and match, etc. Plus another benefit of resizing is the fact that you'll most likely be cutting off fabric, so you're bound to have awesome leftover fabric for other exciting projects.
• One of my favorite reasons is that it makes shopping so easy that when you adjust to the idea of sewing up clothes, you tend to stop looking at sizes. How awesome is that? Nothing can stop you from buying what you want.
• Besides all of that, it's a good hobby and time filler. It helps you explore your creative side; you're given the chance to see what you can do with fabric.

(Mixed and matched colors and fabrics to create a funkier Bewitched shirt.)

This is the story of my life, and I wanted to share new possibilities. I think it's a good challenge to take on for those interested in trying out something new. If you've never challenged yourself this way, maybe it's something for you try sometime.

(The finished product.)

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