Cupcake Book Construction

Been slacking in posts lately. Woops.

I've been working on making this book for a while. Between school and life, the process took a while. All the books I make take forever. My process isn't complicated, just time consuming. Between waiting for dryings and the motivation to keep going, it turns out to be a lengthy process. I decided to discuss my "lengthy" process here.

I start with two pieces of cardboard paper, the same size. I usually gather magazine clippings with a idea of a kind of design I want, and decoupage them on. In this case I painted a base coat of this salmon kind of color. When I started the book, I had purchased the Martha Stewart cupcake punch and wanted to have fun with that. I was afraid the book would look a little boring, so I decoupaged white tissue paper first. Then the cupcakes and strips of paper across the top.

When it was all good to go, I sprayed a layer of Krylon Clear Glaze. When that was dried, I punched out holes for the binding.

The covers were finished, so next was the paper part. I found scraps of white paper, took measurements and figured out how many signatures to make. I had five signatures and six sheets of paper making up each signature. (Thirty sheets of evenly cut paper). I figured out where the holes needed to be made in the creased parts of the signature so it could be binded.

I pulled up the handy dandy video I always refer to when it comes to binding, and followed instructions.

After the binding is done, I always like to take precautionary measures and glue the yarn that makes up the binding. And voila!

(I'd like to make note of the different camera apps I used along the way. So much for being consistent.)

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